Job opening: Nonprofit fundraisers needed
At Altrui, we focus on working with clients in the nonprofit fundraising aspect, working on building relationships with donors while increasing their fundraising. Working in this arena we are often asked to support a job search for a new member of the fundraising team.
This is becoming more common as nonprofits continually work to keep their fundraising team at an impactful level.
It’s not easy. Daily, I receive a note from another nonprofit or recruiter seeking to fill a Chief Devevlopment, Director of Development and/or Major GIfts position. Many of these are nonprofits whose missions I love, who just can’t seem to get people to apply for a position, let alone get to the point where they have a new employee starting with them.
I’m curently working with a client on a Director of Development posiiton. Great client. Incredible mission. Life-changing impact.
I’ve looked at a few resumes that have come in. One is a good fit, on paper. No response from two emails and a phone call.
The salary is posted. The nonprofit has a great reputation. The work location is flexible, with some time in office and some time work from home, all being up to the individual. Good benefit package.
Speaking of benefits, I have always put more value in time off than salary. These days they both seem of equal importance to candidates. Offering a minimum of three weeks paid vacation (not including sick days), is important to me. In my last position before Altrui I asked, and received, five weeks paid vacation upon taking the position. People need time off.
Many nonprofits are not yet in a position to offer a retirement match. What else can be offered to make up for that? After all, people want to retire.
The mission is not enough. It just isn’t.
I wish I had a magical potion to share with you on how to find your next nonprofit fundraising professional. I don’t. I can offer a few thoughts to consider I’ve embraced based on my experience in the last year:
Have a LinkedIn profile and create a community there; helpful when looking for a new staff member.
Keep your “careers” page up to date on your website.
Continually revisit your benefits package. Be creative.
Keep your job descriptions up to date.
Rock your mission.
Attend nonprofit conferences and build your connections with others in the nonprofit world.
Show the salary.
Be flexible with office/home work. I realize this can be challenging to figure out at some nonprofits.
Treat people well. Spectacular leadership goes a long way.
Thank you for reading. If you’re a nonprofit and would like some help with your next hire, let me know. My email is dan(@)altrui.org.
If you’re a nonprofit professional looking for a new adventure, let me know. Especially if you’re in southern California.