Fundraising during team transition
Depending on the size of your fundraising team, you may have to deal with team transition every once in a while. At Altrui, we frequently work with clients during transition, and it can make a big difference in the continuation of fundraising and building donor relationships.
Your fundraising cannot cease while looking for a new head of fundraising.
Here are a few things to consider when in transition:
Have updated job descriptions ready to go. This makes the process much easier, and less time consuming. Keep your job descriptions up to date based on what that position is responsible for and the whole process is easier.
List out all donor communications for the next two months. Who is writing them? Who is going to ensure which appeal is out on time? Ensuring any upcoming direct mail appeals or e-apeals are planned and sent is critical.
Decide who will ensure donors are thanked.
If you have an upcoming event and your development person who just left played a part in planning it, make sure those duties are being taken care of. This is especially important if the person who just left was tasked with working on event sponsorships.
Lastly, please make sure that someone is communicating with your donors. It’s vital that donor and community relationships are not affected during a team member transition.
Your organization and mission will be able to thrive during a development team transition if you have a plan ready and ensure everything here is being considered.
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