Fundraising Tip: Another Grant Proposal Goes Out
Fingers crossed or good to go?
The deadline for the grant proposal is in two weeks.
You know this because it’s on your grants calendar. If you’re thinking “grants calendar?”, I explain later.
Grant proposals are all over the place in what they require, how they want you to present the work you’re asking to be funded, and they what the funder really wants from you.
Any type of government grant is pretty clear and many times include a checklist. When it comes to grants, I love a checklist.
There are a few things I have learned about grants in my time in nonprofit fundraising. The biggest thing that comes to mind is that reading the grant and planning your work in submitting the grant are critical.
Read the grant. Everything. Then read it again. If you haven’t applied for funding from the organization in the past, attend any grant meeting they offer to go over how to apply. This is always worthwhile.
Once you have a good idea of what the grant application requires and how that funding will support your mission, add it to your grants calendar. This is where you have everything from first steps to program meetings and due dates. Everything that affects the grant process in your organization is on this grants calendar.
For every grant.
Share your grants calendar with your team.
Be clear with your team with what you need from them and give them specific dates for when you need it by.
I have worked with amazing teams, the best, well intentioned and passionate people. And some not so great in responding to what I need from them for a grant. Again, be clear, and follow up.
Do not wait until the last minute to submit your proposal.
This will mean keeping in constant communication with your team, checking boxes on your list to make sure your application is complete, and following up with those who still have not gotten you what you need.
It all pays off, and will especially make a difference for those you serve.
This is agood time to bring up the idea that not every grant opportunity is going to be afit for your organization. I see many nonprofits waste time on proposals that don’t even match their mission.
Your best success comes from a grant proposal that matches what the funder wants to fund, including programs and successes that are already part of your organization. In other words, you’re simply asking a funder to fund something they already have made clear they fund, something that your team excels in doing.
Grants can be an important part of your mission success!
Take a risk. Be of service. Support your friends and colleagues. Be kind.
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