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Dan Hanley

Fundraising Tip: Quick Tips for Fundraising During the Holidays

Fundraising is at full speed during the December holidays.

If you’re in nonprofit fundraising, you’re busy right now.

So let’s get right to it.

First, remember that your donors don’t pay attention to when your budget year ends. They care about your mission and how you make the world a better place by excelling in your mission. This means not focusing on “year-end giving”. Focus on your mission and how your donor can help.

Next, even if you’re not a list person, a list of donors you want to communicate with before the end of the year is helpful. I start my list in November and look at it and update it through December 31st. It helps me stay focused and keeps me thinking of all of the donors I work with you gave last year but haven’t yet given this year.

Most donors were on a list for the direct mail appeal or one of the e-appeals. They’ve been asked at least once. I take time to make a more personal ask in December, remembering how donors like to be communicated with. For example, I’m not going to call a donor who I know only communicates via email.

While amid fundraising madness, we may be reminded that the biggest part of December fundraising happens throughout the year. Our relationship-building with donors happens all year, and the more attention we put on relationship-building during the year, the more successful our December fundraising efforts will be.

Remember to practice self-care. Sometimes, just a walk around the building or the neighborhood is helpful for me. Self-care is vital throughout the year, especially now.

Ask for help. Support your team. Keep in touch with your program people so you can share current stories with donors.

If your office is closed for the holidays, make sure someone from fundraising is working. I love working at this time of year. Whether you work from an office or from home, you can keep fundraising through the evening of the 31st. When I was in an office, I would be in the office till about 6 pm, then head to a celebratory dinner with my husband and friends.

Keep referring to that list. This year you have all day Monday and Tuesday to make final connections with donors. Believe it or not, many still wait until the last week of the year to donate.

Lastly, have fun! This can be such an exciting time for those of us in nonprofit fundraising.

Take a risk. Be of service. Support your friends and colleagues. Be kind.

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