I love networking
It’s on your calendar. Another networking event that you dread going to. Business is good, you have enough contacts, and the need to attend events like this seems to no longer serve you.
I have a chamber of commerce business after hours on my calendar and couldn’t be more excited. Business is good, I have a family to go home to, I have a good amount of contacts, and I’m not going to miss this.
When I go to a networking event with the right mindset, it is never a waste of time. I always leave having had met people I hadn’t known before and a little more pumped up about my business after being able to introduce it to more people.
Give it a try, and consider these suggestions:
Bring plenty of business cards.
Have a name tag with your name and company name/logo.
Don’t spend the entire time you’re there with one person, or even two. Work the room.
When other attendees walk by and make eye contact, introduce yourself.
Make introductions.
Regardless of your field, offer to be a resource to those you meet.
Go for it! Thanks for reading.