Fundraising Tip: Implement Your Fundraising Plan
Your organization’s fundraising plan only benefits your mission and those you serve if you implement it.
Your fundraising plan is finished and now it’s time to take on another perceived difficult task: implementing it!
You can relax because implementing your fundraising plan is a process, not an event.
Before we begin, these thoughts can also be used for a business plan if you’re not in the nonprofit world. The key points work well in both worlds.
You can start slow. A great way to start is to send a quick note of thanks to all who participated in the plan, sharing your gratitude and excitement to begin. Then go right into one of the first tasks. That could be one of a dozen action items, and I suggest taking on one that is continual throughout the year.
Let’s say e-appeals. Taking on e-appeals could mean taking a good look at your email list, and checking your open rates and your click-thru rates. It could mean beginning a new process of writing e-appeals and creating a schedule of when you want to send them, and why.
The key here is to begin implementing your fundraising plan.
A fundraising plan does not succeed only if you do nothing with it.
You have it right in front of you know, you spent a lot of time creating it, and now it’s time to actually implement it. Go easy on you and your team but do proceed. For me, this is one of the many highlights of being in nonprofit fundraising.
Implementing your fundraising plan will not only support your organization in building relationships and raising money for your impact but it will also be fun.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post you may also like this one: Quick Actions to Take to Support Your Fundraising Efforts
Take a risk. Be of service. Support your friends and colleagues. Be kind.
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